.. |tr| replace:: Text Repository Dashboard ========= The |tr| offers a, currently minimal, dashboard API which can be used to get some 'high level' overview statistics. We `welcome ideas and use cases `_ to improve and expand the dashboard API. You can `try out the dashboard `_ using swagger. Get document counts ------------------- At ``/dashboard``, |tr| gives counts of: - how many documents are registered; - how many documents have at least a single file; - how many documents have at least one item of metadata; - how many documents have both a file and metadata; - how many documents have neither a file, nor any metadata. The latter, in particular, is interesting when it is non-zero. These are documents that have been registered with |tr| with their external identifier, but are otherwise content-free. This is probably not what you want. Find orphaned documents ----------------------- If ``/dashboard`` indicates there are some documents with no content associated with them ("orphans"), you can find out which these are at ``/dashboard/orphans``. Get metadata counts ------------------- At ``/dashboard/metadata`` you can find out how many documents have / share a given metadata key. It returns documents broken down by metadata key. Get metadata value counts ------------------------- At ``/dashboard/metadata/{key}`` you can find, for a specific metadata key, documents counts grouped by metadata value for that key.